Crtani Filmovi

ponedjeljak, 24. listopada 2011.

Tom and Butch proceed to battle each other for Toodles' affection, but they soon discover that in the midst of their brawling, Jerry kisses Toodles, which has her take an interest in Jerry. Tom and Butch chase Jerry and even though they soon have him cornered, the wily mouse is able to confuse and distract the two cats and escape. After...

Tom And Jerry - Casanova Cat

Tom & Jerry - Mice Follies  Jerry and Nibbles flood the kitchen and freeze the water, turning the room into a skating rink. The two mice go about their own business, skating and sliding across the frozen floor - until Tom is woken up. Tom pursues the two mice, but is not as mobile on ice as he thought. As he skids across...

Tom & Jerry - Mice Follies

petak, 7. listopada 2011.

Tom i Džeri - Stari dobri mača...

Tom i Džeri - Stari dobri mačak

Tom i Jerry - Kralj U jednom kutu, rastreseni mačak. U drugom kutu, vragolasti mi...

Tom & Jerry - Kralj

Tom And Jerry - Stisni gumbić ma...

Tom And Jerry - Stisni gumbić maco

Tom i Jerry su animirani likovi iz istoimenih kratkih crtanih filmova "Tom and Jerry". Tom je plavi mačak, a Jerry smeđi miš, a obojica hodaju na 2 noge. :...

Tom i Jerry - Leteća mačka

Tom i Jerry Tom i Jerry eng. Tom and Jerry je crtani film kreiran od Williama Hanne i Josephha Barbere koji nam govori o nikada završenom rivalstvu između mačka Toma i miša Džerija. Hanna i Barbara su napisali i producirali 114 Tom i Džeri crtanih filmova u MGM studiju u Hollywoodu, imeđu 1940. i 1957, godine. Početkom 1960.godine , prave...

Tom i Jerry

Tom I Jerry - Mala Škola Za Miševe Džeri radi kao nastavnik u školi za miševe, ali se Tomu to nikako ne sviđa... ...

Tom I Jerry - Mala Škola Za Miševe